Rainbow Bridge  




Lambeau Probst

Adoption Name
Royal Blue

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
8 Weeks

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on
Beau was the talk of our neighborhood. He loved to start each morning with surveying his kingdom, a potty break, a rabbit or goose chase, some water, a little food and lots of love and tummy rubs!! He was the light of our lives but cancer cut his short. We did everything we could to make his crossing as peaceful and loving as could be.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Months 3 Days

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on
She was my puppy… she was listed as a male dog…. That was looking for a male dog…… I found “HER” and had the best 11 years with her. It has been 3 months without her and the house is empty. We let her on the couch which you said not to and she destroyed it like you said she would…. But I would not trade any of those moments ever. I miss my puppy.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1 Year

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on
Gracie came from an abusive situation in Kentucky, and had many fears and anxieties. When we adopted her, my goal was that she would feel safe and loved every day of her life. I think we accomplished that for all of our 15 1/4 years with her!

Gracie loved food and treats. She loved patrolling the yard and using her hound dog sniffing skills. She won smartest dog in a dog trick contest at a doggie festival.

Everyone from young to old loved Gracie. She was the sweetest soul. We miss her and are so grateful for the love she brought to us. She was simply the best.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on
Tinkerbell always kept us on our toes. She did what she wanted, when she wanted. She was sweet as pie and loved “her boy” my son Chih. They shared a room together for most of the first year she was with us. She thought she was a lap baby even tho she was 65-70 pounds at her largest. The “middle doggie” sister to her older brother Spirit and younger brother Rudy. She fought her cancer battle probably for much longer than we knew and were thankful for the last 4 weeks we got with her.
We love you Belle! And hope you’re eating a lot of cheeseburgers over that rainbow bridge.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1 Year

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on
Lucky Pearl enjoyed everything life presented:
Riding in the car everywhere
4 walks a day
snoring under a desk - everyone on video knew Pearl!
watching the neighborhood go by from the front porch
playing at the Estabrook dog park, followed by rolling in the grass and stopping for a bowl of water while master has a beer at the biergarten
walking up Oakland Ave and stopping at every place that gives dog treats!
Visiting my cousin at the Dousman farm, swimming in the pond, hanging out with cows and horses, and finding the manure pile
Going to work at masters factory-acting as Chief Executive Dog - keeping everyone safe
Exploring Lake Michigan at Doctors Park
Boating on Lake Namabin
Playing in every snowfall as there is nothing more magical than a snowball!
Most importantly protecting my house from all evil and the mailman.
Pearl is missed everyday!



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on
Aurora was the sweetest, smartest dog in the world and will be deeply missed. She loved treats and stuffies more than anything. She was the perfect match for her very best friend Koda and the two of them were joined at the hip. Our favorite story to tell was how when we adopted her we were told that she was full grown, and then she proceeded to become 40lbs heavier and quite a bit taller :) We never found a puzzle she couldn't solve! Her presence in our family was huge and her absence is too. Thank you Tailwaggers for the opportunity to have this beautiful soul in our lives.



Adoption Name

Age Adopted
1 Year

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Rosie came to us as a foster. She was adopted and returned twice for being too aggressive. We decided that we couldn't let that happen again so she was our 1 and only foster fail. I'm not exactly sure how old she was but it feels like we had her forever. It was about 14 years. She accepted every dog, cat, grandchild, and human that came into her home. She was always there to greet us with butt wiggles and her famous Rose Bud smile. She never caused trouble and was the most laid back, loving dog. She loved her 2 walks a day, even in her last days. There will never be another Rosie and we will miss her tremendously. She was truly family to us and our hearts are broken. May she run free for all eternity with all her animal siblings that passed before her. Thank you for being the absolute best, Rosie Posie. We will love you forever.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
10 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


I adopted Elmo way back in 2014 during barktober fest. I sat down in front of him and he came up to me and gave me a kiss and that’s when I knew that he was my dog. He was such a goofy rambunctious puppy that loved destroying things, but he always did it with love and loved chewing his stinky bones that he would stick in your face just to show you. He came with me everywhere, he even became a Chicago city boy for a year. He was my soul dog, my best friend, and the best companion I could have ever asked for. He was so sweet and loved to cuddle (even if that meant just sleeping on top of me) and loved stealing peoples food. He loved sharing a cheez it box with me and surprisingly loved carrots. He was with me through everything and I am so lucky that he chose to spend his life with me. He passed away surrounded by his favorite people and got to do what he loved to do most- fall asleep looking at me.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
10 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

We didn’t choose Chloe, she chose us. 8 years ago we received a call from Tailwaggers 911, where we fostered, would we consider taking on a new dog. This dog had been difficult to place, she had been returned once from a prospective adoptee, and was not fitting in at other fosters. I looked at her bio and pic and said…no…I don’t want a pit in the house. You see, in her picture she looked like a pit bull, and I was naïve and biased, believing all the bad press I had read on pit bulls. In actuality, her biggest faux-paux was that she was a counter surfer. Gentle redirection along with continuity of routine and after a few weeks she realized she wouldn’t have to want for food, there would be plenty, she was safe. Quick to learn many things and eager to please, she was getting ready to be adopted out. And we tried, but she came back to us after another failed adoption attempt, which was shocking because she was the biggest love lump ever. Even though we said we would try to find her another fit there was always some excuse why a prospective adoptee wouldn’t work. And finally we had to admit it…we were going to be foster fails. Chloe chose us and she wasn’t about to go anywhere else. She was a cherished member of our family and fought valiantly for a year when diagnosed with lymphoma. She didn’t want to leave us, she was home. Chloe taught me a lot. She taught me not to be judgmental and to always give someone the benefit of the doubt and to give the underdog a chance. She taught me that hope is always better than despair. She taught me to make each day matter. And she reminded me that life is just better when you have a furry friend to share it with.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
5 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Our Matty was our very first dog and we were so blessed to have her for 13 years. She was our faithful companion, loved the sunshine, walks, and following mom around. We adopted a second tailwaggers dog 3 years ago and they were inseparable. We will love Matty forever ♥





Molly Jean

Adoption Name
Molly Jean

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on




Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1 Year

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Cassie was such a sweet, gentle girl. We had a very short but wonderful 9 1/2 years with her. Cassie never met a person that she did not like. She always wanted to greet everyone that came to our door. She never barked and only whined when she wanted to go outside. Cassie loved her long walks with her Mom. She got so excited circling her Mom as she tried to put her leash on her. Her favorite time was spent laying by her Dad on the couch getting belly rubs. She loved to pick on her two cats companions making sure they did not get near her food. She loved her fruit and vegetable treats. She could always hear anytime someone peeled a banana or got an apple out of refrigerator. Every time the colander was taken from the cabinet she would come running for some cauliflower or broccoli treats. She never liked thunderstorms or loud noises. She would always take shelter by her humans for comfort. Cassie loved going "on vacation" to the kennel. Everyone there would always fight over who got to take her first. She was such a special girl. We are going to miss her so much!



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Weeks

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Remy was the light of my life and made every single day better. He fiercely loved the outdoors in all weather, he would roam around for hours or just sit on the deck and admire his yard. He loved hikes, and riding shotgun with me running errands. He loved carrots, ice cubes, and playing chase with his adopted human siblings. He hated loud noises, loved cuddling, and was very protective of his family and house. He made every morning worth getting up and every night and weekend feel like home.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
2 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Hello Tailwaggers. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to give this girl a great home.  I adopted Ace in August 2011.  She was the perfect "mini-lab".  Loved chasing the squirrels.  Loved going for her walks.  The last couple of years she slowed down quite a bit but still loved to do her thing.  This last summer, she became ill.  Dementia was setting in, sun downing, arthritis, thyroid...  Medication helped somewhat.  Recently the dementia got worse and the medication wasn't helping with her pain.   Through all of this, her tail never stopped wagging which made my decision so hard.  This morning, we all said good-bye.  She made her rounds from me, my son, boyfriend, daughter, and back to me for one last pet and lick.  It was as if she was saying "Thank you", "Good bye".  Dr. Mike was absolutely amazing and made her crossing easier for all of us. 
Boy did she snore. She loved her walks and snuggling on the couch. My polydactyl tabby enjoyed grooming Lacey and curling up next to her on her bed. She wasn't the brightest crayon in the box which made her even more lovable. Couldn't hear you calling her to come in the house but she could sure hear that little cheese wrapper. She loved chasing the squirrels up the trees with her fur brother Loki. He sure misses her. We all do.
Thank you for letting her be part of our family. Rose Wrege



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
10 Weeks

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Our Oliver lived a blessed 14 yrs he was loved everyday Oliver loved fishing and walking in the woods to meet his many dog friends. He will be forever missed.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
2 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Kirby was such a fun adventurous dog. He was incredibly expressive, with the most beautiful eyes. He came to us very frightened and withdrawn, but grew into the best snuggler, friend and mischief maker. He is missed desperately by all of us, including his dog "brother".  Thank you Tailwaggers.


Rascal Flatts

Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

He was the best dog ever. Loved where he lived. Gentle soul. Very loving. Did not like men. Loved to walk down the driveway and poop in the ditch along the road. Loved to lay on the deck and watch everything. Loved to be Loved. He was loved. He will be missed.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
5 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Malcolm came to us as a shy puppy scared of the world. We worked hard to make him comfortable and he came out of his shell. He was never social but loved his family and favorite people. He loved swimming, chasing the ball and running in the woods. He competed in Barn Hunt, which he loved, and earned his Master title. He is greatly missed.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
15 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Beau fit right into our family and became the big brother to our 9 month old Birdie (also from Tailwaggers). They were an incredible duo - going on adventures and cuddling together. Birdie mourned him for months when he passed. We miss him every day.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
11 Weeks

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Birdie was a part of our family. She went on daily walks until the end. Slept in our bed and got lots and lots of love as she so much deserved. She enjoyed being with her brother (another Tailwaggers adoption) - they were bonded at the hip and loved to get into trouble together. She will be missed.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Abigail was a feisty little Maltese that was rescued in 2013. She came up to WI and was our first of many fosters. But we failed as foster and adopted her. She took over our hearts and we couldn't let her go. She was always wanting to be with us and gave us so much love over the past 10 years even til the end. She crossed over on Monday, July 24th, 2023 just one day before her 16th birthday. She is on her way to running with her brother, Milo. She leaves behind her sister Mollie and her mom, Dad, and other family who are missing her sassy attitude and barking immensely. Til we see you again, Babygail!



Adoption Name
Prince Charming

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
4 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Gus (Prince Charming) came into our lives just before Christmas 2007. Our son Aaron was only 3 years old when we adopted our puppy. The dog brought us so much joy over the years-seeing our son & Gus literally grow up together was so sweet. Gus was so friendly he became the neighborhood dog, always running over to say hi. He was my trusty walking partner for many years until a couple years back when he started slowing down couldn’t go as far. He was loyal and loving we cherished him for 16 years-cannot believe he lived so long! I am so glad we could save a dog and give him a long happy life 



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
2 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Bunny was a wonderful boy! He was a "foster fail", because we kept him! :) He was kindness, goodness, sweetness, softness, and love. He was loyal, protective, and always there. We are so thankful to have had him in our lives. Even though the loss is painful, the love is worth it. He was a blessing. 1 Corinthians 2:9.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
5 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Brooke was a much-loved member of our Peaceable Kingdom. She was respectful of her fellow pets: the cat, the parrots, and the chickens. She loved every person she ever met, but especially loved walks and treats with Grandma and Grandpa and sleeping under the covers with Mom. Her favorite thing to do was to follow her hound nose over every inch of the dog park. You were a good dog, Brooke!



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
5 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Lulu was a sweet, loving, and loyal companion. She loved walks, her yard, and visiting her Grandma and Papa. Lulu was a professional beggar, making it hard to resist sharing a few bites with her. Lulu’s tail could wag with the best of them, and it always showed us how she was feeling. She must have heard more than one hundred times a day that she was a good girl. She was never lacking for attention, including belly rubs, snuggles, and pats on head. She had the softest ears that were noticed by anyone that stopped to greet her. We hope to see Lulu again some day at the Rainbow Bridge. She is deeply missed. Thank you Tailwaggers 911 for helping us find our sweet girl and now, our angel.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1-2 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

The first time we met Stella she got loose from the foster and my husband chased her several blocks and finally caught her. Stella was the leader of the pack but loved her rescue sisters Betty and Sofia and loved to play all day. She hated swimming probably because she couldn't swim! She was part boxer and enjoyed being vocal, almost talking, to her humans. She learned American Sign Language from her human mom and had a vocabulary of about 10 words. Stella loved a good butt rub and her security blanket especially nice and hot, right out of the dryer. We will never forget our 'Stellaaaa'!



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


I knew Bogey would be in my life when I saw his adoption bio. We were a perfect match! The day the transport arrived, I put his leash on and after greeting all the other transport dogs, he walked right to my car and jumped in his kennel. He never left my side! He had a lot of energy and could jump so high that I, initially, was worried he would jump over the fence in the backyard. I am thankful and blessed to have had him. He was a rescue, but my Bogey rescued me! He will forever be in my heart and is greatly missed!



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1 1/2 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Pickles was the 1000 dog adopted through Tailwaggers911. She was a sweet, funny, loving, happy girl who loved her humans, treats, tricks and toys. When we first got her I took her through agility training and we had so much fun. We love her always and forever. She is running free now and not in pain. We will see her again someday at Rainbow Bridge.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
3 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Tilly was the best girl ever! She had the sweetest disposition, and loved to be scratched behind the ears. When she wasn’t outdoors, sniffing and chasing the critters in the yard, she was laying in front of the patio door watching them. She brought 15 years of love and joy into my life for which I am ever grateful! I miss her with all my heart!



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
7 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Mocha started out with us winning over our big dog Sadie (adopted 12/07) She became the sweetest dog with all of our fosters. Kind, gentle and playful. In 2016 I took her to training classes to become a therapy dog. She passed the test with flying colors! This started our journey to put smiles on hundreds of faces, old and young alike. She was loved by so many people! She became illl in January of 2022. She was diagnosed with cancerous tumor, which was inoperable.



Adoption Name
Big Mams

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
3-5 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Penny became an important member of our family She was loved by us and all our family members including our 9 grandchildren and the other four puppies in our group. The year has been difficult in that we lost Penny and three other family dogs in the last three months. Penny was our constant companion. She loved our daily walks but never really learned to play but she was always ready for a treat or some affection. She enjoyed riding in the car and made many trips to see the kidos with us. She had her problems, including losing an eye to a tumor. She was always accepting of other dogs and loved everyone she met both little and big. She will live in our hearts forever.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1.5 Year

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


We were lucky enough to have Pete in our lives for almost 8 years. He moved with us three times and at times lived with another dog, cats, rabbits......and on our hobby farm, goats, sheep, and chickens. He was a social dog that just wanted to be wherever we were and loved getting to know anyone that came over. He also helped us raise our two boys. He was THE BEST dog for our family. Thanks to all of the volunteers and staff that made it possible for Pete to find us. We will miss him more than words can explain.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1 Year

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Tai was the best dog ever. She was loved by many people. She will be missed by so many. The best chemo dog ever , she helped her owner thru many rough days of her cancer treatments. Tai helped me thru the lose of her owner to cancer Rest easy my best friend Tai dog.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Buddy was a wonderful, smart loving dog.
He loved running around in the back yard in the leaves in the fall and the snow in winter. He would always be sitting in the bay window watching for me to come home. After my significant other passed Buddy was my best friend.




Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
3 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

The moment I saw Riley’s puppy photo on the Tailwaggers website, I felt an unexplainable connection with him. He had a sweet disposition and a fun, sometimes quirky, personality. I called him my personal alarm warning system (PAWS) as he once alerted me to smoke billowing into the basement, and once to a leak in the roof that was dripping into an extra bedroom. Riley also had the most expressive eyes I have ever seen in a dog! He was my heart dog, and the love of my life!


Daisy Mae

Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
8 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Miss Daisy Mae was a great mama to all the foster kittens and puppies that her mama took in. She moved across country a few times on fun adventures with her human. She was a comforter to the other animals in her pack of misfits and an adorable demander of treats.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
8 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Tip had a unique personality…he was selective on those he liked. But those he liked would receive a ton of kisses and a high five when he saw you coming up the steps. We used to foster and Tip was our 1st foster fail. He had picked my husband to be his person from the day we picked him up. All throughout his life he made sure to sneak up on his dad’s lap periodically even though he never understood that he was way too big. He was a huge part of the family and will be forever missed.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Wyatt was my shadow. He loved to pull the stuffing out of all his toys, never ate it but that was his thing. He loved fetching, he was a great runner. He was our heart and soul. In his later years he had limb issues and was slow to rise and lower but his heart wouldn’t allow him to give up. We will miss him tremendously.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
4 Years Old

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Zeke was our dream dog. Zeke came to us from a home where his ears were each cut and he had to fight through two rounds of heart worm treatment. Zeke was so sick coughing up blood and me pleading with the vet to do something. The vet thought he might live to 8 years old if we were lucky. Zeke fooled everyone. He died at almost 17 years of age. He was gentle as can be, would visit nursing homes with me to brighten patients lives, and never left my side. Zeke always wanted to please and that he did. Zeke is so missed by us and all his furry brothers and sisters.



Adoption Name
Cutie (aka Ginger)

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
5 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Rylee was simply the best. "The Queen" as my daughter would call her. She enjoyed car rides, walks, and absolutely loved to chase waves. The sound of waves excited her. She was the first to say hello in the mornings. She loved people. She did not like when you dropped the remote or phone. If she wanted my attention while I was on my phone, she would put her nose under my hands and flip the phone out of my hand (or try to) She LOVED her butt scratched and behind her ears. She would come over and put her head to the ground with her butt in the air (and your face) and have you scratch her butt. In her younger years, she would run around our yard as quickly has she could (butt on fire..lol) she also could jump fairly high- especially trying to get the Frisbee. She only barked if the doorbell rang, or if she saw another dog walk by. When she was 7 (2016) , she was diagnosed with Addisons.. we almost lost her but she fought back hard. In January 2022, she started to slow down a lot, arthritis in her back and most recently they found a mass on her liver. Our last days with her we made sure she would chase waves one more time, so we took her to the beach. We miss her terribly, the house is quieter without her here.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1 Year

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Mocha lived a life of protecting her home from deer and Amazon delivery people and training and protecting two puppies that were brought into our home after her. Mocha loved her people fiercely, loved her treats, loved her walks, and loved lounging on all cushy chairs, sofas, and beds. Mocha was always in the kitchen when people were cooking and loved getting any scraps of veggies or fruits we would give her. Carrots were her favorite.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on


Sassy was a wonderful dog! Always full of life and love!
She will be sorely missed by her family and her sister Abbey Road.




Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
17 Weeks

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Radar was a sweet dog, he was not a super fan of all of the puppies we had come through the house but he tolerated them. His tail always wagged and he would talk to you if you asked him questions. Everyone would comment on how unique he was, he had the prettiest eyes. He was well loved.




Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
1 year

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Emma was a very sweet little girl full of anxiety. She loved her canine brothers and always looked to them for comfort. Emma became to trust her family and groomer. She loved walks and loved to rip her toys apart minutes after she got them. You could always find Emma with a toy in her mouth. 3 years after we had her she started having severe seizures. We tried everything and the vet thought she had a brain injury from her prior short life. Emma fought but she couldn’t overcome the seizures. There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t think of my sweetie.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
2 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Jasmine Rose was the best girl we could have ever dreamed of. She became family in large part to be our daughters first best friend and longtime protector. From day one until the last she was that and SO much more. Jasmine provided unconditional love, comfort, playfulness, strength, protection, and a special kind of snarky sass. She lived her life chasing tennis balls, playing with her 4 legged brother Casanova (on her terms of course), and sunbathing at every chance! She was the ‘Queen Bee’ of the house and she knew it. Food and belly rubs made you immediately her friend for life. Jazz gave her everything to the ones she loved and we are forever grateful to say that we made her list! We miss her deeply everyday and will forever love her.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
6 Months

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Zeus had a great life. He loved his daily walks trying to catch bunnies, squirrels or that elusive fox and sleeping on his favorite recliner. He loved “suntanning” in the backyard. Zeus was such a good boy and he will be forever missed!


Cherry Blossom

Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
2 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Cherry Blossom was such a sweet&silly girl! She loved to play& snuggle with her big sister, Roulette. She LOVED to watch T.V., especially Disney movies and wildlife shows featuring lions&cheetahs. She loved to be kissed&loved giving us kisses even more. And when she was super happy, her tail wagged in circles. She loved her family with all her huge heart. And we loved Cherry Blossom as if she was our daughter. R.I.P. baby girl.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
2 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Bones came to us from an Adoption event. Patrick brought him home after he went to look at puppies. Guinness was not a puppy. He was an adult dog ( estimating 2-3 years) and he had been returned to TW911 TWICE! He was returned twice because on the surface they weren't good home fits. He was returned in reality because he was meant to come to my home. He was called a "rescue" and he was a perfect being who rescued me and our family over and over. His soul searching eyes, his equally playful, feisty, and gentle nature, and his handsome crossed gentleman paws created a connection with every person he met and changed many minds around how pitbull/mutts were perceived. His big block head and seemingly sun glowing amber eyes could look intimidating from down the street but his kindness and gentleness were his core traits. I think maybe he was grateful to be in a home with many belly rubs and comfy beds and couches which he was welcomed on happily. He could act like velcro or sit quietly alone under a tree in a majestic pose. He loved wiggling on his back and barking at the sky. He loved a car ride and insisted if his people started their day with coffee he needed some whip cream too. He tried swimming and acupuncture in the last months for comfort and I don't know he loved swimming pools but he did love poking the creek for frogs. He left us far sooner than expected due to a peripheral nerve sheath tumor which was wrecking his fun spontaneous life and to the end he was ever present for me and held my leg and hand to comfort me as he started the adventure across the bridge. Guinness was EPIC on this earth. I hope he has found boundless energy and movement and joy with the other family pet loves from my life. He is deeply missed.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Clifford was the most amazing boy ever. He had the biggest heart. Loved every single person he met and just wanted hugs. He really did rescue me. We went on so many adventures together. He would only howl when I would howl at him first and we’d have conversations. I have no idea what I was saying but he was happy. Haha He’s the best thing to ever happen to me and not a day goes by that I don’t think & talk to him. He will always hold a big piece of my heart. Thank you for the memories, tootie. I will see you again. Love, mama.



Adoption Name

Year Adopted

Age Adopted
2 Years

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on

Radar was such an amazing dog, so mild mannered and sweet.
Loved walks, camping, and laying in the sun. He is so missed!!




© 2024 Tailwaggers 911 Dog Rescue and Moonlight Graphics. All rights reserved.